Creating Impactful Events with a Lower Carbon Footprint.

Aqua Enviro is committed to delivering sustainable events and reducing our carbon footprint.

This year, we are partnering with One Tribe to assess the carbon footprint of the conference and offset emissions, ensuring a net-positive impact. Using data from last year's event, we have calculated our footprint and will apply this year's data to determine the footprint for 2026. See further details below.

We have also requested that all abstract submissions include details of the project's carbon emissions, and how it can/could contribute to the circular economy. 

2025 Actions

Al information for delegates and exhibitors is provided digitally by email, on an app or on screens at the event, so no printed papers are necessary. 

The conference programme will be displayed on digital screens around the venue. 

QR codes are also available on-site if attendees wish to download the documents. 

We have chosen the venue (among other things) because of the good public transport links.  All attendees are encouraged to travel using public transport or car share where possible. 

In 2023 we introduced a meat-free lunch on Day 1 of the EWWM conference.  This has been extremely successful and has now become a permanent feature at our 2-day events.   A meat-free option will also be available on the second day of the conference. 


Telford ICC was chosen not only for its prime location and accessibility but its strong focus on sustainability. All attendees are encouraged to travel using public transport or car share where possible. 

Hear about the venue's sustainability efforts here or view their full sustainability policy.

We work with the venue to improve our sustainability event by event to reduce use of disposable items, consumables and packaging. 

We encourage attendees to bring their own refillable water bottles, and the venue provides easily accessible fresh tap water to fill these. 

We encourage the venue to minimise all single use plastics and provide all food and drinks with reusable crockery, cutlery and glassware. 

All attendees are encouraged to minimise waste and recycle where possible. All attendee badges are plastic free. 

We are working to minimise waste for conference information and catering at the event. 

We no longer provide printed copies of conference information - all attendees can view these documents on the event app. and the programme is displayed on digital screens around the venue. QR codes are also available on-site if attendees wish to download the documents. 

The venue is actively reducing waste and provides all catering in reusable crockery, cutlery and glassware